I always imagined that if I didn't have a car, I would spend most of my day just trying to accomplish the simple things I took for granted, like keeping the freezer stocked with Tofutti Cuties. But the funny thing is . . .
When I had a car in the driveway, I always felt this undercurrent of anxiety because there was so much more I could be accomplishing each day, if only I were smarter, better dressed, more organized and disciplined, etc. etc. But without a car on hand I feel calmer, less anxious, more centered. I can't be three places at once, I can only be right here where I am at this moment. And when I do go somewhere, it's because I have a reason to go there that makes the transit effort worthwhile.
I'm so surprised to find I actually feel I have more time, rather than less. The days pass much more slowly -- in a good way. Everything seems clearer and makes more sense, because I feel comfortable taking the time to see and think. I've even started cooking at home again, something I've barely done in years. And: I enjoy it.
Guns and the Depletion of Civic Sanity
12 years ago
I've been car-light this summer. I really enjoy reading your blog I found on the bike portland forums. You are so inspiring! And I totally GET the bad hair... good thing my work is super casual.
Car-light? I love that! "My year of living car-lightly"? It's actually more accurate than carless, because with ZipCar I do still drive a little (I love that little Mini Cooper convertible! It's so cute and fun!). On the bad hair issue, I think I feel a post coming on . . .
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